The talented, young animator Mari Jaye Blanchard was in the studio recently recording voiceovers for her animated short titled “Not Yet” which will air on the cross generational institution Sesame Street. Impressive as it is, this is not Mari Jaye’s first time working with Sesame Street. Her shorts titled Twelve Little Chicks and Thirteen’s Not So Lucky […]
Ninja Sex Party
If you’re looking for proof that what you name your child will effect his chosen profession, look no further than Dan Sexbang and Ninja Brian of comedy duo Ninja Sex Party. The duo was in the studio last week recording some voiceovers and vocal tracks for a brand new video. It was a full house with […]
VIDEO: Holistic Is Back
Holistic‘s anticipated new album, Avant Garde was just released. We are pleased to say that along with their first effort Technicolor, the album was recorded and mixed at MetroSonic. We’ll be posting some music from it soon so check back with us for a listen. Get a behind-the-scenes look at Holistic recording “Blue Dynamite” below:
VIDEO: Introducing The Damned Things
With members of Anthrax (Scott Ian, Rob Caggiano), Every Time I Die (Keith Buckley), and Fall Out Boy (Joe Trohman, Andy Hurley), The Damned Things are undoubtedly a musical force to be reckoned with. While each individual in the band has experienced their own successes, The Damned Things’ debut Island/Def Jam album, which combines their […]
Holistic’s latest album Technicolor was another project entirely recorded and mixed at MetroSonic by engineer Jonathan Martinez. Released May 12th on Bungee Black, this project was full of positive energy from the ground up and came together on many a late Brooklyn night, over dubbing vocals, beats and sfx. Mixing with Holistic was a great process; […]
Chromeo Makes MetroSonic Home Without Missing a Beat
The Canadian duo Chromeo are bunkered down at the NYC Recording Studio MetroSonic for a two-month lockout session. P-Thugg and Dave 1 are well known for their “hook-heavy”, soul infused dance music. These guys knock out infectious grooves, attracting appeal from a wide range fans and talented collaborators from DJ A-Trak to Daryl Hall. Although Chromeo is accustomed to […]
Artist Highlight: Deathstars
“With the combination of their cynical irony …and the hard seriousness that are the fundaments of every song, Deathstars walk the fine line of sophisticated darkness with the always clear and present vibe of sex, guts and horrorish vogue. It is hellish hot stuff, but also entertaining, and somewhat frightening.”